March 2023
The Editors Letter
Spring is in the air, I can feel it! It feels like such a hopeful time and I don’t know about you but I feel very grateful for the longer and brighter days.
I was reading through another village magazine recently and it struck me how many contributions were featured from different residents and organisations. Granted this publication only comes out 4 times a year but it was chock full of village news and information. That’s what I feel is sometimes missing from Kirton News. We have our wonderful advertisers and they allow us to bring Kirton News to you every month but I feel the variety of information just isn’t there. I always put my contact details below but very rarely do I receive any emails with ideas or thoughts on how we can improve our content.
What would make Kirton News better for you? Do you want to see some more recipes, puzzles or local information? This is your publication and what we don’t want is for it to find it’s way to the bin as soon as it comes through your letterbox. In the time where social media is King we are also very aware that lots of you do not have access to the internet (or want to for that matter)!
If you know of any groups or charities who would like to feature then please get in touch! If you fancy yourself as being our resident book reviewer or have some recipes or funny anecdotes you would like to share then we would love to hear from you!
If you’re looking for ways to support your local community, you will see that our Royal British Legion group are looking for more members. In our Meet the Locals feature we’re talking to Sarah from Wesley Motorhome Hire! If you’re thinking of something different to do for a UK break this year, this could be just the ticket! Take a look on Page 6.
I’m always contactable on
Take care of yourselves and each other.
Meet The Locals
This month's Meet the Locals sees us chatting with Sarah from Wesley Motorhome Hire!
Wesley Motorhome Hire is a local, family run business, based in Boston Lincolnshire, offering you a bespoke holiday, with memories to remember. We have a 4 belt/4 berth, Eldis Evolution 185 140BHP, with a spacious end bathroom, with a separate toilet and shower.
Wesley Motorhome hire offer a luxury package as standard, so that you can sit back and relax, worry free. For our local customers, we offer a free delivery and collection service right from your door step. No hassle, simply pack and hit the road!
Contact details:
Telephone: 07851 49 89 02 Facebook: Wesley Motorhome Hire

Kirton Church Fund
The winning numbers for February will be printed in the April magazine.
The March draw takes place on Sunday 26th and the winning numbers will be printed in the May magazine.
Congratulations to both winners! They have both had previous wins.
The KCF books have gone for their annual audit as usual at this time of the year. Also, as usual, I will go through them on their return to give an update on the winning streaks for the last year.
Come and join us, you could be part of a winning streak that I report on next year! With only 51 numbers in the draw chances of winning are very good. It’s still only £5 a number each month as it was when we started way back in June 2012. Not much else has stayed the same price since then! Most of the members pay annually (£60), some pay £30 for 6 months or you can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. The choice is yours. You can also have more than one number as our second prize winner has. Anyone over 18 may take part.
The prize fund is ¼ of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church. The more people that take part the higher the prize money and the more money we raise for the church and we are still trying to raise the money for the work needed on the church roof.
Registration forms are available from Fay, please ring 01205 723529, or pick up a form from the back of the church or from Paula’s Gifts on Station Road. If you would like more information give Fay a ring.
January 2023 Winners
1st PRIZE - £47.81 - TICKET NUMBER: 50
2nd PRIZE - £15.94 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
Artists painting for St Barnabas
TSt Barnabas Hospice has invited Lincolnshire artists to take part in a new and creative project called the Heart Trail.
Nearly 30 artists have been invited to paint a large heart shaped sculpture of their own design, and these will be displayed around the county during the spring and summer.
Businesses in the county are sponsoring this project, aimed at creating more awareness of the wonderful service to the community provided by St Barnabas, and also raising further funds. The cost of caring for 12 000 people every year needs ongoing community support.
Local artist Karin Christensen was invited to paint one of the heart sculptures and has been working on this in her studio in Kirton. Her design of farm fields in the Lincolnshire Wolds has been generously sponsored by the Branston Potatoes business.
As part of this creative fundraising, schools in Lincolnshire have also been invited to participate, creating their own heart sculptures and decorating these. There is still time to get involved in this project.
You can find out more by looking up:
Look out for the sculptures in the county this spring and summer.

Letters to the Editor
Kirton Town Hall Car Park
A reply to the Parish Clerk and Parish Council – Car Park concerns.
First of all, I’ve always found Diane the Parish Clerk to be most helpful and polite in her correspondence. However, in her letter to the Kirton News of February 2023, I’d like to clarify a few matters as they appear from outside the council bubble.
Paragraph 1 – In the meeting in August 2022 councilors were keen to point out there had been a single complaint (see paragraph 4). At this meeting no businesses were mentioned as complaining – this I assume was added later. In subsequent meetings I was witness to the knee jerk reactions of the KPC, in dealing with other matters, and I assume that’s what happened here – a hammer to crack a nut. KPC changed the reason for the change dependent on who was being spoken too – this happened constantly throughout this process.
Paragraph 2 – Consideration of local residents of Kirton were not considered. In fact, they were ignored. The KPC focus was on Town Hall revenue and people from outside our village.
Paragraph 3 – The car park was never ever used as a “private car park”. Talk of it as for private use is not appropriate and incorrect. It was a public car park without restrictions and was used as such by local Kirton residents. Park & Ride was never mentioned other than for local residents and OAP’s going on bus trips this was ignored too. There are many myths with regard to the car park use, I’ve heard many. The fact is it was used correctly and in accordance with the signage at the time. Overnight commercial parking was only the case in possibly 2 cases and a simple conversation would have solved this. KPC don’t talk to residents they dictate to them.
Paragraph 4 - Was the verbal abuse and foul language mentioned referred to the Police? What was the result of their investigation? Are Kirton residents now to refer other such cases to the KPC for investigation too in lieu of the Police?
Paragraph 5 – As the KPC own the car park I assume that they will now follow the guidance of the Equality Act 2010 in respect of Accessible Parking, markings, signage etc.? Thus, resulting in an extra cost for this previously assumed ‘free’ venture.
Paragraph 6 – School parents were discussed by Councilor Brotherton he was keen to allow periodic returns for situations like necessary returns – why was he overruled?
Paragraph 7 – The KPC had no authority to charge as the land was gifted to the village. So, this argument was always a non-starter. Instead, they line the pockets of a private firm at our expense.
Finally, a thought regarding the lack of public consultation. The KPC refer those who maintain they were not informed to consult the minutes of previous meetings. However, as pointed out at the August 2022 meeting these minutes were confusing and ambiguous. The car park was referred to variously as: The Car Park, The Town Hall Car Park & The Public Car Park. Clarification was only given to me after I asked. However, this confusion was still apparent at the January meeting when the 1st public speaker asked for clarification too. Surely a simple public consultation for such a major change should have been allowed. This would have allowed the KPC to make better-informed decisions being aware of all the facts and subsequent knock-on difficulties for residents of the village. Surely the villagers deserved this as a minimum?
Thank You
Anthony Bowen -
Station Rd, Kirton
Kids Club
How lovely to be writing this as the sun is shining and the first signs of spring are beginning to show.
The Club is right next to the village church and the grounds are always covered in snow drops – such a wonderful introduction to the New Year of flowers. The club is busier than ever.
Most of the breakfast club places are now filled – with just a few here and there should anyone want a one off and the after school is busy again also. We will always try and accommodate children when we can.
This is a much better place to be than it was last year at this time - so thank you to all the parents and carers who have booked their children in and have helped keep our club running and now celebrating its 24th birthday!
We are beginning to plan arts and crafts for the year and hope soon to be able to take the children outside again for some of the sessions.
But while the astro turf and grass are still wet there are plenty of toys and equipment inside to keep the children occupied and happy while they are with us.
The children walk from school to the club each day and the other way in the mornings – this I feel is another great way for them to keep healthy and gives them a good work out each day (and us!), then they spend the rest of the sessions playing.
If you would like more information about the club, times, costs etc. please go to our website and take a look or if you would like to talk, please phone 07583762072.
You can contact me 7.30 to 9am or 1pm to 5.45pm and I will be happy to help.
February 2023 Cover Photo
Many thanks to Linda Batten who took this fabulous photograph that featured on our February 2023 cover and apologies from Kirton News that she wasn't credited for it last month!
Keep sending your photographs and articles to
We need
your help!!!

The Kirton and District branch of the Royal British Legion needs new members.
• Are you interested in supporting the local community and making new friends?
• Are you aware of what your local Royal British Legion branch team does for the local community?
• Do you want to support your local Armed Forces community?
We are a friendly group of men and women who are active participants in and around Kirton and surrounding villages to promote and support the interests and well fare of ex-service personal, serving armed forces and their families. The branch has links with all areas of the community, from the young to the old ensuring remembrance is kept alive and that the sacrifices our brave Service men and women have made are never forgotten.
The branch can boost of a very active and organised yearly poppy appeal throughout the district. They have proactive relationships with local businesses. Last year through fundraising the branch was able to purchase and erect the flagpole in Kirton’s war memorial garden.
Without new members this branch is at risk of closure.
The branch meets every 3rd Tuesday at 7pm at Kirton leisure centre, Willington Road, Kirton, PE20 1EP. Expectations of members:
• Support and participant in developing the branch with innovate ideas to support the local community
• Be a voice for our armed forces community
• Be able to offer time to support fundraising events in Kirton and surround villages
For more information or to sign up please contact Roland (branch Chairman) or David (branch secretary).

Kirton Consolidated Charities have a vacant property to let:
A 1-bedroomed cottage with lounge, kitchen, and bathroom for a Single female senior citizen at 93 London Road, Kirton. Maintenance Contribution £175 per month
Any interested parties who are inhabitants of the village of Kirton or the neighbourhood, should apply in writing, giving full particulars, to The Clerk (Mrs J Barnes), 21 Sea Lane, Butterwick, Boston, Lincs PE22 0HG by the 3rd March 2023.
Gardening Time with Tim Hewett
Welcome to the New Year, and a timer of rest and preparation for the garden, there is little actual work we can do this month as we wait for the weather to improve. It feels as it has been a wet Autumn and start to the Winter, and any plants in storage should be checked for moulds, especially if you lifted Dahlias this autumn and they have not dried properly. If there are signs of moulds the damaged tubers should be removed and the cuts dusted with a proprietary fungicide.
If planting any trees or shrubs for hedging it is still possible to take advantage of the cheaper bare root plants available now. Place a small amount to well rotted horse manure or home-made compost in the planting hole, but do not over fertilise.
General tidying up of last years herbaceous plants should be left for another month if possible. Not only are the seed heads and shelter are good for the birds and beneficial insects but eh dead foliage will protect new and more tender growth from frosts. Any roses still requiring winter pruning should be completed now.
Snowdrops crocuses and early daffodils will be showing above ground and it is a good time to note any areas that require more planting come the Autumn. Although not yet apparent any blind, non-flowering, daffodils should be lifted and spread within the garden. The most common reason for blindness being overcrowding of the bulbs.
While the weather is poor it is a good time to think about future plantings, plan areas too plant this year, mark any plants that have become overgrown and require cutting back or splitting, and prepare any plants that may be needed for space filling. For example, Gladioli and Dutch Irises may be planted in pots in order to fill spaces left after Spring bulbs have finished.
Lastly if you have a greenhouse, or space indoors it is possible to start planting seed for hardy annuals in preparation for the summer.
The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome them all into the family of the church:
none this month
Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:
none this month
Funerals - May they all rest in peace:
none this month